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Yolanda Russo

Premier Changer Member
Experience in my field since: 1996
I enjoy my work as: Coach - Individuals, Coach - Groups, Video Content Creator, Podcast Host, Podcast Guest, Online Course Provider, Virtual Events Creator, Virtual Events Presenter
My Specialties: Other

Russo, skin care expert, life coach and creator of Beauty On Command Natural Face Lift Method.

Yolanda believes that optimism is a key to a joyful life and good looks!
Yolanda’s professional philosophy, is to offer hope, well-being, and life-changing solutions to anyone looking for help with acne, dark circles and skin aging. Yolanda, European skin care expert for past two decades now. is the owner of  Speranzi Facial Spa, Verona NJ .

Yolanda believes that our skin has a direct impact on our emotional well-being, self-esteem, and success in life and to help her clients go back in time and look a decade younger she created a unique facial treatment Beauty On Command Natural Facelift Method. Yolanda wants to help women avoid invasive methods of reversing skin aging.

She is also an author of the book, Re Train Your Face, where she provides practical tips, techniques, and home remedies to help people take care of their skin at home alongside of their regular facial visits.  Yolanda believes that optimism is a key to a joyful life and good looks!


Awards and Affiliations

Certification: NCEA

Certification: Life Mastery Institute


Certifications and Credentials

Skin Care Professional and Wellbeing Coach.


Yolanda Russo

Profile picture of Yolanda Russo


Active 2 weeks, 4 days ago