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Miché Meizner

Select Changer Member
Energy Healer, Mentor, Certified Life Coach, Speaker
Experience in my field since: 1984
I enjoy my work as: Coach - Individuals, Coach - Groups, Video Content Creator, Online Course Provider, Online Services Provider, In Person Services Provider, Virtual Events Presenter, In Person Events Participant, Mentor
My Specialties: Stress Management, Creating Positive Change, Other

Who am I?

Hi, I am Miché Meizner,

Healer, Mentor, Coach for women who want to build their self-love and superpowers.

Originator of ClearPath Sessions, she clears the path and guides you to a deeper connection with your soul

Live your magical, soul-inspired life. Know your Divine connection and be the gift you came here to be.

At the tender age of 5, I knew I was here on a mission to save the world.  I got the message but no instruction booklet. I didn’t know where or how I knew.  After decades of searching for who or what I was supposed to be I finally discovered what I think is true for all of us – we are here to be exactly who we are.  Yes grow into that and learn and expand – but we are not here to try to fit in, sell ourselves short or try to become our best version of someone else.

My purpose is to help you uncover your purpose and step into your genius so that we can “save the world” together.

I love doing this work and I am here as a guide and mentor on the journey of becoming your own best self and to living from a sacred, precious depth of life where the gift is about BEING YOU,  not only for yourself but as the contribution you are here to  share in the world.

Helping people be their own sovereign, creative, self-loving, self-accepting explorer is what I believe I am here to do.  We all have work to do to shift humanity toward a kinder, more loving, expansive, vibrant , compassionate expression of what is possible and I know from my own search and aspiration that that revolution for sure begins within.

MIché Healer, Mentor Coach - Intro Video

MIché Healer, Mentor Coach – Intro Video

Intro Video

Change doesn’t have to be hard in order to be profound or permanent.  

Free Spoonbending webinars offered quarterly.  One hour of guidance and experience the power of relaxed focus, the power of letting go and the possibilities available when you suspend limiting beliefs.
Click HERE to Subscribe to my Magical, Soul-Inspired Life Newsletter
You’ll get a free download audio Pilot Light Heart Meditation
AND – you’ll get notified of my next SpoonBending workshops, Drop-In Playgroups and other Programs.

These live SpoonBending workshops are your opportunity for direct experience that everything is energy and that your mindset and attention, self-talk has a very real effect on your capacity to influence yourself, your environment, even the metal spoon in your hand.
60 minutes FULL of valuable insight, wisdom, humor and stories that will stretch your mind and invite new possibilities into your life.  Open to all ages.
First hand discovery of how much more you are capable of than you realize
SPOONBENDING is really about mind-shift and bending reality.
Learning to bend a spoon is a really fun way to learn to bend your life.

When I first bent a spoon,  it was a proof for me that all that I was learning about metaphysics, law of attraction, the importance of mindset really was possible.

I have  taught hundreds of people to bend a spoon using their hands and mind over matter
during free online webinars (and many recording now as well)

“Thank you so much for last night’s class.  Your teaching method is so comfortable for me, so authentic and real.  I appreciate that very very much!
Again, thank you for holding space and facilitating a great evening!!!!”
Diane Mathias
Founder, Director, CEO at Resources for Uncovering Wonder

Rima Medhi,

“Who knew I could bend a spoon with absolute ease and feel so inspired and powerful at the same time ! Thank you Miche! Thank you so showing me , making me believe that I’m powerful and that nothing is impossible if I put my mind to it .. if you haven’t experienced Miche’s work .. you are missing something powerful ! I highly recommend her 🙂

Holley Mignosi,
TEDx Speaking Coach ~Story Influencer ~ Body Language Expert

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND joining this! It is fun and mindblowing. I have done it several times with Miche and each time I learned something new about myself. I was able to sense when to bend the spoon, and when IT would allow me, how to become one with it, and definitely when I was not in tune with it. It was an experience I will never forget. Thank you Miche Meizner for the extraordinary work you do to heal the world.”


What about you?
What are you doing, creating, or reaching for?
How can I help?

Here is what I have to offer:

One to One coaching  (Individual sessions and packages)– focusing on self-love and whatever is in your way to accepting and activating who you truly are.

Group programs designed to teach new skills, clear blockages and learn to sustain a new higher perspective in a Magical, Soul-Inspired Life”.  Workshops focusing on tapping into inner wisdom, sensing and sending energy, understanding and cultivating your intuition.

Monthly Membership Inner Alignment Tribe $47/mo or $410/year – 4 meetings per month on zoom.  Energy clearings, healing processes, channeled wisdom, guided visualizations, journeys and meditations.  Get answers, get support.  Everything you need to support your living from a higher plane and perspective.  Allowing life to live itself through you, bringing clarity, confidence and inspiration into everyday life.
Bonus sessions monthly with guest healers, channelers, mediums, guides.

ClearPath Session –  Clearing the way to connecting with your soul.
Gaining clarity on your purpose, the confidence and conviction you need to move forward with your vision.
Initial Clearing, (Intake and Deep Clean) $395
Follow-up, tune up sessions  $135


Miche Meizner is one of the most talented, compassionate, and wise healers I have had the privilege of working with. I just had a “ClearPath” session with Miche to connect to my life purpose and clear any blocks that may be in the way to achieving it. Now I feel more aligned, I have new found clarity on my next best steps, and I left the session feeling energized and revitalized! I feel A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and unstoppable!
Miche was able to tune in and validate so many things I was feeling but did not share with anyone. If you have a chance to work with Miche Meizner, don’t wait, do it NOW!
Holley Mignosi – TedX and Speaking Coach


From Jo Gustafson,

I believe Miche is a true gem in the spiritual coaching field. Beneath her warm, welcoming, down-to-earth exterior is a deep understanding of spiritual principles and healing techniques that she delivers with fun imagery. Part of my session with her was more like a relaxing conversation with – and just the perfect advice from – an old friend (the wisest one you know!)

I also attended one of her spoon bending workshops where almost everyone had success because she helped each person find a method that really spoke to them. Once you bend a spoon, an enormous mental door opens up to so many other possibilities. Powerful, compassionate and fun, I highly recommend Miche.


From Colleen Gilbert,

Miché is a genius! She will show you how to lift your vibration and how to keep yourself supported as you reach each new heights! If you have never experienced bending a spoon with Miché you are in for a mind blowing experience! Quirky, witty, engaging- Miché offers wonderful resources to change your life!



Click HERE to Subscribe to my Magical, Soul-Inspired Life Newsletter
You’ll get a free download audio Pilot Light Heart Meditation
AND – you’ll get notified of my next SpoonBending workshops, Drop-In Playgroups and other Programs.


Certifications and Credentials

Developer of ClearPath - Soul Connection Sessions
Creator of Cosmic Alignment Process

Certified Life Coach

Certified Practitioner:
The Reconnection, Reconnective Healing
The One Command Wealth Circle
Theta Healing II
Reiki Level II
Pranic Healing Level I

Matrix Energetics
The Silva Method
Emotion Code/ Body Code
Access Consciousness

Miché Meizner

Profile picture of Miché Meizner


Active 1 week, 3 days ago