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Kamini Wood

Premier Member
I enjoy my work as: Coach - Individuals, Coach - Groups, Coach - Organizations, Book Author, Podcast Host, Podcast Guest, Public Speaker, Panel Participant, Workshop Facilitator, Online Course Provider, In Person Services Provider, Virtual Events Presenter, Corporate Wellness Specialist
My Specialties: Mental Health, Stress Management, Life-work Balance, Equity Diversity Inclusion Belonging

As a WU Best Help featured member, I offer reduced rates on my services of VIP: one-on-one coaching program


Powerful Self-Leadership & Resilience Coach

I am Kamini Wood, a certified life coach working with high achieving women and teens. As a former people-pleasing perfectionist, I know first-hand the stress and overwhelm that comes with trying to do it all, fix things, avoid conflict, and meet other’s expectations. While I hold several certifications, I have been trained in conscious parenting, conscious uncoupling, and much more. Frankly speaking, as a mother to five children, my personal life experience allows me to offer the absolute best solution for women and teens who want to move from feeling stuck, stressed, and energy-deprived to empowered, engaged and resilient people.

Working to help individuals release codependency on others & external validation in order to discover confidence in their decisions, their ability to handle life’s pressures, & transitions and to embrace and live their AuthenticMe®.  

Are you Building Your Life as YOU want it?

  • Are you able to imagine it and then create it – easily?
  • Do you feel confident in every aspect of your life?
  • Do you feel like you are not measuring up?
  • Do you feel like you are hostage to expectations?
  • Do people want to be around you?
  • Do you feel inspired?
  • Do you wake up feeling energized and ready to go?
  • Do you find that you look outwardly for validation rather than internally?
  • Do you feel whole in your relationships?
  • Are you suffering from heartbreak?

Or maybe life right now is like this?

You’ve achieved a lot. People around you seem happy. You take care of things for them …

and yet, it feels like you’re missing something. You’re feeling empty or lonely. There is an underlying feeling of anxiety.

Some people may see you as “strong” and “you get things done”, but deep inside, you know that things aren’t optimal.

Are you:

  • Working so hard and over-extending yourself while your self-care has fallen to the wayside?
  • Needing external validation to feel like you have accomplished something?
  • Feeling overwhelmed and stressed about relationships, work or school?
  • Feeling like you cannot find the “right person” and marred by past relationships?
  • Noticing that even when you accomplish something it does not feel complete?
  • Noticing that the goals you had set out don’t set your soul on fire?
  • Worried that you are not good enough?
  • Feeling like you are going through each day task to task without feeling engaged?

BUT … to really live YOUR authentic life, you have to allow for your vision and your true self to shine through.

Are You Ready For What’s Possible?

Once you choose to empower yourself and to take control of fears and stressors that are stopping you, you’ll be in touch with who you are and expressing yourself so authentically that the changes you experience will positively shift every aspect of your life. My clients are people, who are ready to explore, grow and develop to become the leader of their own life.

I am an expert in helping overachievers and people-pleasing individuals realize their inner power and strength so they can have more energy, be less stressed, and live authentic, joyful and passionate lives.

I help teens manage the stresses and fears in order to confidently become successful adults. Likewise, I support adults facing the modern-day quarter-life or midlife crisis, overcome trauma from heartbreak or simply release the need to please and rediscover who they are and what they want.

How it Works

You (or your child) and I work together for a period of time. We can determine what suits you best. I offer a range in packages from 1.5 months-6 months. Anything less than that doesn’t set you up for this whole world change.

How long have you or your child lived with the feeling of overwhelm? Or the feeling that you don’t really have direction or a good handle on who you are? How long have you lived without your own identity?

You may think you don't deserve it.  And you are also thinking you don't want to bother someone else with your sad stories. You can handle your life problems yourself.

That’s how stagnation wins, and growth loses. But things can change when you reach out to a life coach. Feeling understood, validated, guided with the right principle to face those challenges can do something wonderful for you. It changes your mindset, your perspective, and your motivation to live the life you’ve put on hold for way too long beyond your expectations.

My approach to coaching is a holistic one. I take into account emotions, mindset, behaviors and the spirit of my client. My number one goal is to provide my clients a safe space. A space they know and trust is there without any judgement.

Oftentimes we have expectations and assumptions of how something will be or how it should turn out. Assumptions can be externally driven or internally driven. Then we get there, and it is isn’t what we imagined, and before we know it we have an “assumption aftershock”. Or, we have assumptions about what “we should do” or “should be” and we realize that’s not what we wanted all along.

If you’re ready to RiseUp™, let’s have the conversation with the power to totally transform every aspect of your life. Welcome. Click here to get started.

Ways to work with me:

  • 1:1 VIP Coaching (online, phone, or in person)
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Podcast interviews
  • Group Coaching
  • Workshops

Book a time to talk with me!

Awards and Affiliations

Certified Life Coach (Coach Training Alliance)

Certified Wellness Coach (IAWP)

Board Certified (AADP)

Certified WISDOM™ coach for kids

Certified Teen Wisdom Inc.™ Life Coach

Specialty Certification New Money Story® (MentorPath)

Member ICF (Raleigh & National)

Member Association for Coaching

Certifications and Credentials

Certification: Life coach

Certification: Wellness Coach

Certification: New Money Story

Certification: Teen Life Coach

Certification: Life Coaching for Kids  (Advetures in Wisdom)

Certification: Conscious Uncoupling (pending)


Kamini Wood

Profile picture of Kamini Wood


Active 7 months, 2 weeks ago