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Featured Heart-Set Prosperity Expert Leader, Hema Vyas recently led a 12-month, 12-week course for heart-led business owners. Available here on-demand.

Wellness Universe Expert Leaders are selected in recognition for their support, knowledge, experience, compassion, and stand out as trusted support for transformation, self-care, inspiration, self-growth, and achieving a best life experience

Hema Vyas is a multi-award-winning corporate wellness mentor and trailblazer in heart intelligence. Her refined intuitive skills and innate ability to read heart energy have earned her the title of a modern-day seer.

As The Omnipreneurial Psychologist™ speaker, she teaches startups, corporations and a wide range of global audiences how to harness the power and potential of the heart.

Hema has worked with high-profile clients and businesses such as Google, EY, Bamford and Soho House. Her philosophy is that it takes more than intelligence to succeed. It takes heart intelligence. And that to access the full potential and power of our hearts, we need to be able to go there with our heartache and disappointments.

She shares how connecting to the power of the heart – as individuals and as businesses – is essential to expanding creativity, well-being, innovation, inclusivity and sustainability to achieve long-term success.

“Everything is always unfolding for our highest good. Never judge your immediate experience, even if it is painful or difficult; instead, dig deep and discover the deeper reason, deeper significance and deeper meaning.” Hema Vyas

Hema has played an instrumental role in the growth of diverse companies as a mentor and consultant, sometimes as a discreet advisor and often addressing large audiences, public speaking or in workshops and conferences.

Recently she has been described by Positive Life magazine as “the acclaimed speaker, psychologist and heart consciousness activator.” Whatever the topic, her talks are known for bringing about pivotal and sustained shifts in thinking, feeling and action that can alter the course of a day or, more often, a lifetime.

More recently, Hema has spoken at more than 50 live and virtual events on topics such as How Truth Cuts Through Fear, Aligning Heart, Mind And Body Intelligence In Our Leadership Approach, and What’s Heart Got To Do With It? The Role Of The Heart Intelligence In Leadership And Life.

Her guided meditations are known for their powerful and positive influence and have been downloaded over thirty thousand times.

In the words of some of Hema’s clients:

“Hema offers you an unwavering mirror of truth and the heart opening vibrations of unconditional love. She has inner knowing, pure wisdom of the soul to know what is needed, what to share and when, to allow you to go on your journey…she offers you a path to know and trust your inner knowingness that is priceless.” Caroline, Parliamentary Digital Service

“Hema’s teachings are powerful, and when received with an open heart, you can feel your awareness expanding almost instantaneously. Her words carry the frequency of love, and she shares truths that carry universal and sacred wisdom. Her teachings have the ability to tap into your heart’s potential, something within awakens and suddenly you are able to see relational and behavioral patterns from a higher, more loving perspective. Hema’s courses provide a blueprint to creating a life from a place of alignment. She teaches practices to help you to heal and release all of that which no longer serves you, creating space for love, beauty, and light.” Dianela Castellanos

..what was most astounding and unexpected is that my eye has spontaneously healed after 2 years of visible pain and various treatments. I know you’ve explained this is because of the changes to the nervous system, but honestly this feels like a miracle. So wonderful, so thank you Hema!” LMN, Entrepreneur

“Hema recently gave a talk to our community and it was SO amazing to be in her presence…I forgot how powerful Hema’s presence is. So gentle but lands with such impact.” Amanda Ashy, Lokah Lab

“Hema has been a guest speaker at a number of our Positive Nights events: both online and physical. Our audience has always greatly enjoyed hearing her speak on the subject of heart intelligence. She teaches in a clear, easily understandable style that is both accessible and profound, always leaving listeners with actionable tips that they can incorporate into their daily lives. We have loved working with Hema over the years, and can gladly attest to her skill as a speaker and teacher.” Paul Congdon, Publisher of Positive Life

“People who can significantly help you to improve your life usually have certain characteristics. Like Hema Vyas, they may be professional psychologists and trained therapists – and ultimately when you are in their presence, you feel something shift inside you. Even as they speak, you are likely to have eureka moments or spontaneous tears…even being in her company, just talking with her, I felt reassured, inspired and hopeful.” Nicola Manasseh, Executive Editor of In The Square magazine

“Hema spoke at a summit I ran and out of 26 speakers, she was in the top 3 of those the audience spoke about for weeks after the event. She’s all heart, powerful, memorable, and inspirational. You can’t go wrong asking her to speak at your event.” Mitchell Levy, TedX Speaker and Founder Credibility Nation

“We were inspired by Hema’s thought-provoking, insightful talk, which had a beautiful message of hope, personal responsibility – and above all, love. She bathed us in hope and courage to survive the pandemic and afterwards. She spoke with great clarity, generously sharing her wisdom and spirit. It was a wonderful evening.” Anne Harrabin LicAc MBAcC MCMA, Speaking Chair, Acupuncture London

“Genuine, sincere and disarming. A true pro that understands the human condition. Highly recommend Hema as a guest, speaker or facilitator.” Dave Turano, Cut Through The Noise podcast

“Hema is a wise, insightful, engaging and inspiring public speaker with polished communication skills. She clearly and succinctly conveys her message while making the interviewee and the audience feel good during and after her speech. I would highly recommend inviting her as a speaker and presenter to your conference or your organisation. My colleagues and I very much look forward to inviting Hema again to share her wisdom and knowledge.” Dr Gyorgyi Szabo Dean of Graduate Studies Ubiquity University

“She opens up new perspectives with credibility and impact and has an ability to bridge worlds with her language. She can speak to suits as well as shamans! She is excellent as a keynote speaker.” Monica Haughey, Entrepreneur and Conference Organiser

“I’ve been to Hema’s retreat in India, three weekend retreats in Ireland and I use her as a mentor. I value the way she uses a mix of psychic ability, therapy and hypnotherapy to wonderful effect. She homes in on patterns holding me back and offers direct insight in how to move on from them…she is a beautiful, authentic, caring and talented speaker, teacher and mentor.” Geraldine Wilson, Director Amazon UK

Explore the comprehensive range of services available for individuals, organizations and event organizers here:

Connect with Hema on LinkedIn:

For any inquiries or questions, feel free to get in touch via email at [email protected].

With heartfelt appreciation for visiting Hema’s profile. Namaste

Awards and Affiliations

UK Health Radio Award: Self-Development Service Of The Year 2022

UK Enterprise Awards: Most Client-Focused Leadership Development Coach 2022

Greater London Enterprise Awards: Best Corporate Wellness & Life Leadership Mentor 2022

Causes and Organizations

Women Speakers Association, Institute of Directors, British Hypnotherapy Association, Hypnotherapy  British Society of Clinical Hypnosis, British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis, Association of Business Mentors, Enterprise Nation

Certifications and Credentials

Hema Vyas BSc (Hons), MBSCH, MNRH has been cultivating her expertise for over 30 years. She embarked on her career at Kensington Palace and ventured into the realm of corporate management consultancy. Along the way, she established and managed her own workshops and training programs focused on developing essential soft skills. Eventually, her path led her to specialize in one-on-one coaching and mentoring before moving into speaking.

Additionally, Hema played a pivotal role in co-managing The College of Past Life Regression Studies. She also served as a lecturer at esteemed institutions such as Birkbeck, Dublin and Manchester Universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Her dedication to continuous growth and learning led her to train at the renowned Chopra Centre in San Diego. Through her training, she achieved certification as a Chopra Center instructor in Meditation and Ayurveda, where she actively taught meditation on-site in San Diego.

Hema has acquired extensive training in various disciplines, including Advanced Pain Management, Kinesiology, Psychometric Testing (both as a student and instructor), Emotional Intelligence, Brandon Bays' "The Journey," NET Muscle Testing, Public Speaking, The Reconnection with Eric Pearl, Kundalini Yoga and Stress Management.

Today, Hema teaches her own brand of meditation, 'Heart Alchemy' meditation and is the founder of Haven. The Haven experiences offer a holistic approach to heart-centered leadership development and healing, addressing physical, emotional and spiritual detoxification. Havens provides high-achievers with a “safe space” to address deeper truths - an opportunity to undergo a vibratory shift, emerging as empowered versions of themselves in an intimate and supportive atmosphere.

Hema Vyas

Profile picture of Hema Vyas


Active 7 months, 1 week ago