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Gwenda Smith

Select Changer Member
Integrative Wellness Spiritual Healing Mentor
Experience in my field since: 1990
I enjoy my work as: Coach - Individuals, Coach - Groups, Book Author, Blogger, Podcast Guest, Public Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Online Course Provider, Online Services Provider, In Person Services Provider, Virtual Events Presenter, In Person Events Participant, Corporate Wellness Specialist, Participant in Collaborative Projects, Teacher, Mentor
My Specialties: Mental Health, Stress Management, Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep, Chronic Disease Management, Health Education, Disease Prevention, Life-work Balance, Fitness Challenges, Physical Environment, Creating Positive Change, Other
The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H

A sanctuary to learn how to live through the guidance of your soul

Inspirational speaker. Healing hearts and opening minds. Registered Spiritual Mentor. Integrative Natural healing.

Founder of The Spiritual School of Wisdom, Enlightenment, Self Healing. W.E.S.H

Guiding you to the POWER to live life on your terms. Healing hearts and opening minds are the way to deep peace and harmony for a brighter happier world. When we have an open heart we live in a state of deep peace and compassion for ourselves and humanity. My passion is to show you the simple practical ways to heal your heart and embrace the wellspring of pure love and joy that is within your heart. To be aligned with the wisdom of your soul and live through the eye of the higher consciousness of your soul is to know that you are an amazing powerful being. Miracles are yours to enjoy every day

My life’s dedication is to guide, lead, inspire, and teach people how to regain their sense of value, and self-worth, know how to self-heal, and be empowered with their right to happiness and health.

My path in health began at the age of 16 when I began nursing, during that time I saw many things that made me question sickness, disease, and healing.

Combining the acquired knowledge with my ability to converse with Angels and wandering Spirits, the following experience changed all that the acquired knowledge had taught me to believe about what is called sickness, illness, and disease.

It began as a typical day in the operating theatres but was to become a day that changed my life and began my quest to find out what illness disease and dying are about. A day that changed my acceptance of illness and disease, a day that I vowed no one would tell how long I had to live. That I would live life on my terms and know what it is to be aligned with my soul and the Almighty Divine, which tome is GOD.

In the 1970’s it was not typical or usual for a patient to have an abdominal tumour. On seeing the condition of the omentum the surgeon said “Suture up”. He saw the perplexed expression in my eyes and said, “Well nurse, you can see the same as me, this lady has 14 days to live”. And so it was I laid her out on the 14th day, from that day I began my quest to understand how the body can heal itself of disease, illness, and injury. As I lay her out I cried and made a promise to her. I wanted her life to mean more than 14 days. That promise I have lived for over 40 years, being in service to those who want to know how to heal themselves to live a life on their terms and embody the miracle of their true self, the soul.

For more than 30 years I have guided my clients to know the practices and ways to heal. Women who have been told they would never have babies because of severe endometriosis, PCOS. All of them now have healthy babies and they too are healthy.

Cancer, IBS, Crohn’s, chronic migraines, and more. Most often my clients come to me after they have been told “There is nothing more we can do for you” It is important to know that there are times when an issue has been left too late however the healing takes place on a different level of the soul and spirit.


Here is what just one of the clients has to say about working with me.

Liana said: Where do I begin to tell you about the Amazing Gwenda?!!  I have been to quite a few of her seminars on Gut Health and how to heal yourself and I could listen to her speak for hours. Gwenda is so knowledgeable and relatable and trust me when you follow her advice you know you will get better.  I also attended Gwenda’s Healing Retreat which was held in Bali last August 2019, now that was the most amazing experience of my life and I came back to Perth a much calmer person with a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and it was a beginning of my gut issues starting to improve after so many years of being unwell.  Every day was an amazing experience and I hope to be able to attend again this year.  Gwenda has the most amazing gift to know exactly what you need and how she can help you.  Her healing sessions are like nothing I have ever experienced and you walk away feeling like a new person and she has the most amazing insight – Gwenda always leaves me inspired and I thank God that I met her and I know she will continue to help me heal.  Gwenda recently also helped my dog Milo who suffers terribly from allergies and gut issues and all the Vets could do was give him painkillers, which was not helping Milo at all.   After two healing sessions with Gwenda, my boy Milo was back to his mischievous self.   It is hard to put into words how truly astounding and gifted this lady is.  I have sent a lot of my family and friends to see her and everyone has thanked me as she has helped them all in different ways.   One session with Gwenda and you just know that this wonderful person will and can help you.  Gwenda oozes strength, knowledge, honesty, and a sincere wish to help people.  Gwenda is one in a Million and I cannot thank her enough for all she has done, and I know will continue to help me on the path of self-discovery and healing.  Thank you for just being you!!!


My life’s dedication is to guide, lead, inspire, and teach people how to regain their sense of value, and self-worth, know how to self-heal, and be empowered with their right to happiness and health.

I have always been a non-conformist, forever pushing the boundaries that are created to take us away from the truth in our hearts and distract us from the wonders and joy that are held in our souls. I am so humbled and honoured to be gifted with the power of the seer, the Sage of lifetimes. To be the vehicle of GOD’S healing light and guidance. I combine these wonderful gifts with my acquired knowledge and lived experience to guide you to the keys to self-healing and to know what is truly in your heart, to hear the messages from your soul so that your life is not only a dream it is the living dream of your soul.  Enriching a life is the most rewarding, empowering, and motivating experience one can have. Being instrumental in saving (literally) life is an incredibly uplifting experience. I live what I teach, I am what I teach, and I love what I do.

The School of W.E.S.H ( Wisdom, Enlightened, Self Healing) is an internationally recognised & registered platform of learning for the Seeker and Gifted Soul. The teaching modality of Spiritual Mentorship is Internationally registered & recognised.

My vision is to build strong communities around the Globe that are healthy fit and strong; mentally, emotionally, and physically.

I warmly invite you to connect with me by becoming a member of The Spirit Seekers Society;

If you want to harness your gifts, expand your psychic abilities, and heighten your connection to your incredible intuition then I welcome you to join the School of W.E.S.H ( Wisdom, Enlightenment, Self Healing).

These are the words of one of the students in the program;

I started my treatment/sessions with Gwenda on 11 February 2019 after having bowel cancer surgery
and the next option the medical professionals advised would be chemotherapy. This was a precaution
they explained as I was classed as type “T2” with 10% of cancer showing in my blood. I did not agree
and luckily a work/friend colleague recommended Gwenda. The other reason that I went to see
Gwenda was her faith in GOD and as a practicing Christian, this was very important to me. Gwenda’s
treatment/sessions covered the healing of my body, spirit, heart, mind, and faith and opened my
world to her work and gifts blessed by GOD. As you can imagine I had a few issues with my faith in
myself being broken and also a little anger with GOD regarding the 10% blood contamination.
Gwenda’s knowledge of food and its effect on our bodies is remarkable and extensive but her spiritual
healing and connection to GOD is miraculous. Gwenda’s hands-on healing and the results are
outstanding and miraculous. It outstands me the way that Gwenda can scan your body and know
the problem that is causing an ailment but more astonishing is the cause of the ailment in the first
place. The connection between your body and emotions is amazing and all the baggage you carry
around with your body trying to cope with long-buried pain explains a lot. I have a lot of baggage to
work through and as Gwenda so wisely advises you will not heal years of suppressing negative
emotions and experiences overnight. My sessions started weekly and I have been amazed at the
results. My body is healed of cancer and I was blessed to have Jesus Christ healing my body in a
session with Gwenda that gift I will never forget or be able to convey the depth of amazement I felt.
I am still on a journey of getting to know myself and forgiving myself of my past and Gwenda’s
spiritual and soul guidance has given me peace for some painful past decisions. I have also been
battling food allergies for years and the stomach and back aches were extremely painful and now I
no longer suffer from the stomach and back aches. I still react sometimes to too much
wheat or processed foods but not as severely as previously. Astonishingly I can eat nuts which
is a minor miracle for me. I was blessed that in one of my sessions, Gwenda was guided to heal my
leaky gut and leaky heart valve. I love my sessions with Gwenda and am currently
seeing Gwenda every month as Gwenda guides me through soul healing. It is not easy work and I
will be the first to admit that, but the results are life-changing and I am so blessed that GOD guided
me to Gwenda. Believe me, I have prayed to GOD for his guidance regarding Gwenda and truly
believe and see GOD’s light within her. I have only skimmed over all that Gwenda has given me and
hope that from my words you can see how much Gwenda has to offer all people no matter what
religion or colour.

One last experience that I would like to give to you is that recently we have moved offices and I am
sharing an office with my friend. I can’t begin to relate the feeling of anger and hostility that seemed
to emanate from my friend. I felt unwell, off balance, and suffocating. The office felt smothering and
dark and we both hated being in there. Gwenda rang me the weekend after being there for
one week after catching up with my friend. Gwenda was very concerned about my friend as she was
acting out of nature and asked me questions. I explained to Gwenda how I felt, and Gwenda said
that she was going to come in and surprise my friend at our work during the week that is how greatly
Gwenda was concerned. Come Monday it was as if we were in a different office as if a light was
shining throughout. It felt so different so light and bright and my friend was back to normal. Gwenda
came in a few days later which was a joyous visit and we found out that she had been healing my
friend while with her and also helping the spirit that had been murdered and buried in the land where
the building had been built. My friend and I had both been affected by this man’s anger and outrage
at the way he died. But with Gwenda’s healing, he has now moved on and we have a large golden
cross courtesy of Gwenda within our walls. How blessed we are.

Attend one of my workshops, join an online program meet me at speaking events, or book me to speak at your event.

Until we meet may you be blessed every day in all that you do.


Internationally recognised & registered in Spiritual Mentorship


My book, Help Me to H.E.A.L offers you simple and practical steps to make changes in your daily life which will open a new path of clarity, fulfillment, and peace in your life. Click on the picture to order your copy today.

I welcome you to share with me the changes you have embraced in your life after reading this powerful little book.

Causes and Organizations

Wellness Universe

One Woman - Fearless

She Is Me

ALL: All League Ladies Foundation

Women Economic Forum WEF

WEF Organisation ( Women Economic Forum)

Royal Flying Doctor Service Australia

Wilderness Animals


Certifications and Credentials

Spiritual Mentorship

State Enrolled Theatre Nurse Specialist

CHEK Institute Holistic Lifestyle Mentor

Chi ball Instructor

Trigger Point Therapist

Pain Rehab Therapist

Master Personal Trainer

Bosu Accredited trainer

Gwenda Smith

Profile picture of Gwenda Smith


Active 3 weeks, 2 days ago