Welcome to your new improved WU! Some updates and new features rolled out in January.

Tuesday March 29th, 9am Eastern Time, additional updates will make their appearance on the site and membership fees will increase for new memberships.

It’s been an incredible journey and marching on with you! Within this beautiful community, we have brought together the most amazing souls who provide the world with healing and WU continues to evolve upward. Since 2014 we have facilitated the online space and real-person experience for wellness leaders to be empowered and serve from their heart-space while supporting well-being in the world to seekers of their best life. Thank you for being a wellness leader WU World-Changer!

These updates are timely and do not reflect what is generated from being a WU World-Changer. Making changes on the virtual side simply does not convey the rewards that come from the opportunities, gatherings, conversations, events, classes, and more taking place for our active members. We simply cannot articulate the success, appreciation, and gratitude we are familiar with, experienced by wellness leaders who are active. The Wellness Universe community has grown stronger as a whole as we serve the practitioners who step up, step out, and serve with a responsibility, passion, compassion, and professionalism to make the world a better place.



The Wellness Universe has always been member supported. The value of each and every one of us has always been seen – WU was created for YOU – and we support you with the space to grow, fill your cup, have presence, and to be part of something bigger.

As these new changes go into place, we honor the VETERAN MEMBERS (that’s you!). We are implementing a more stringent vetting process going forward for new members, leading to a truly empowered, responsible, trusted network of wellness practitioners who align with our MISSION and value community, collaboration, giving, and energy exchange, who are professional and the expert authority conduit for individuals and groups to be the best version of themselves.

We are the best of the best providers of wellness and we are found here at The Wellness Universe. The Wellness Universe promises to continue to provide great opportunities and support for self and business growth to our wellness leaders, so together we can support well-being globally, ground up, proven over the past eight years.

We are here today and will be here tomorrow for you and the world.

Let’s activate your brilliance!


If you have questions, need clarification, seek to better understand your benefits or how to truly get involved, supported, contribute, and get active, email us at [email protected] 


If you are no longer serving as a heart-led, business-minded wellness leader, you can delete your account here.

⭐️ By the way … since it’s tax time, don’t forget to write your membership off as a business expense. ⭐️


What’s new?

  • Applying to be a member is still free for now! We have made our World-Changer application clearer and requiring more information.
  • We rolled out our Coach of The Month programs.
  • We rolled out our Community Circle programs.
  • Freemium status will become Inactive. Freemium/Inactive account privileges:
    • Inactive profiles are hidden and locked until a membership is chosen: Basic, Premium, or Premium Plus
    • Inactive accounts have privileges of logging in, filling out your profile, selecting a membership, and viewing the site as a WU World-Changer.
    • Memberships that lapse or cancel will go into Inactive status and lose grandfathered membership fees.
    • Inactive members may eventually be removed in the future and must submit an application to be considered in the future.
  • Basic, Premium, Premium Plus, your current membership is locked-in for life as long as you keep your membership up to date. Be sure you are enrolled in a membership level that supports your goals. Switching from one membership level to another on March 29th or after will charge you the NEW RATES. Membership lapse will cause loss of your grandfathered (current) membership fees and any renewal will be at the increased cost. THIS INCLUDES DOWNGRADING: On Tuesday, BASIC memberships will surpass the current Annual Premium Plus membership fee.
  • All 404 pages will now feature Premium Plus members and offer visitors options to dive into WU.
  • We have added more links (to Premium & Premium Plus membership levels) and made them visible on your profile. New links for Clubhouse, Clubhouse Club, TikTok – 19 links in total for Premium Plus! Image below.
  • WU Supports your wellness event! If you lead, we are offering Panel Creation and Event opportunities from Premium and Premium Plus members. Proposal forms will be available by end of week.
  • Proposals to several new partners and groups are in the hands of decision makers. We will be working with Premium and Premium Plus members to partner with you through our programs to serve these groups and organizations, with compensation, for your services.
  • Meet & Greet sessions 2 times a month held by WU Mission Ambassador, Nicole (Nikki) Batiste.
  • Opportunity and feature in our book of quotes publishing late 2022.
  • Your affiliate reward percentage has increased: Basic 15% Premium 20%  … and Premium Plus 30% – EARN up to $239 for one referral!
  • Placing an ad can be done within your membership panel.
  • Updates and SEO optimization have also taken place!

All of this and more. DO NOT MISS OPPORTUNITIES TO GET FEATURED, COLLABORATE, GATHER, NETWORK & GROW. Monthly mastermind and networking facilitated by David McLeod each month!

Sharing YOU on social media, in our newsletters, blogs, and more.

Have you set up your Expert Instructor account to teach in The Lounge? This valuable resource to teach classes, host workshops, create group sessions, programs, courses, and more is INCLUDED WITH MEMBERSHIP!  Details

Getting the most from your membership: TUTORIAL

More on The Wellness Universe Wellness/Well-being Programs: WU creates them for clients. You deliver them! Premium and Premium Plus members, as a vetted resource, the future of WU and serving the greater good will be activated through Wellness Universe Well-being Programs for organizations, groups, and corporations. Being one our providers depends on your participation. As we get to know you, you will be top of mind, and have the opportunity to be incorporated into our Network of Expert Providers to fulfill our wellness programs for mind, body, and spiritual well-being with compensation.



IMPORTANT – Your current membership will be LOCKED IN provided these stipulations are followed:

Membership fee increase will take place by 9am Eastern Time, Tuesday, March 29th, 2022. To keep your current membership, enroll into a membership, or enroll into an upgrade, you must do so before 9am Eastern Time 3/29/22 to lock in current membership fee. If your membership lapses, you have not enrolled by the date/time of updates to site, the new fees will take place.

CLICK HERE: Manage Your Membership ASAP – Check your current membership level, when your membership renews, and see full benefits chart  to receive all of your benefits for the grandfathered fee before March 29th.


  1. You are enrolled in a membership that reflects the level you wish to have: Basic, Premium, Premium Plus
  2. Do not let a lapse take place in order to keep your current fee.
    Current Membership Fees:

Membership Fees as of March 29th, 9am ET – Member Value Chart and fees that will go into effect Tuesday March 29th, 9am Eastern Time:




Below is your Member Benefits Chart.

NOTE: Click small black arrows to expand the chart. Updated chart will be visible on Tuesday with site updates.


Here are some visuals to see the new updates creating a better user experience and more visibility for you:

More links, fully visible upon visiting your profile!

404 and Inactive Member page features Premium Plus members







Looking forward to trailblazing and forging a future of a happy, healthy, and healed humans with you.


Onward and upward!