Changing How We Perceive Reality

This world, reality, the human experience, tragedy, trauma, healing, expansion. Don’t you think there’s enough to contend with in this world, let alone trying to find other worlds, other dimensions to play in? I mean, you’re here for a reason, right? Why am I here and how do I come to have this availability, shall we say, to speak to you about the realm of this world, beyond this world, the human experience, different dimensions? 

Well, I’m a natural mystic. I’ve been around the traps, as they say, many times to many places, many different dimensions. And it’s a natural way of life for me. There’s a big difference between it being a natural way of life to a learned, go-for-a-course thing. 

In this post, I am going to delve into several different things. Dying. Death. Death. I recently had the pleasure and privilege of speaking with a lovely lady by the name of Penny Wilbrott from the USA. Penny’s story of her near-death experience somehow found its way in front of me. I wonder how. 

Penny, like me, was a nurse and she was rushed to hospital the very hospital where she’d been working into triage and she was in anaphylactic shock she was dying and through circumstance what took place she did she left and she got to see what goes and then she came back There are many, many stories, probably thousands and thousands from around the world of people who have had what’s called a near-death experience. 

I began this article with “this world, reality, the human experience, tragedy, trauma.” 

It’s all here, right? There is everything. In this dimension, in this world that they call the third dimension, some even say that it is the playground, it’s the nursery of the universe. And, if you have a look at our history, you would have to say that we are very much in nursery school today. When you take a really good look and you step back from what you perceive to be a reality, you will see that this world is repetitive.

 There is nothing new in this world. Okay, so people want to say, that technology is new. No, it’s new to you. 

It’s new to you in this world. It’s not new. there has always been some kind of technology. And yes, I can hear you. Oh, but Gwenda, we didn’t have this kind of thing that we’re doing now. We didn’t have, you know, little watches on our hands, which by the way, is sending radioactivity through you. 

You know, we didn’t have all this kind of technology. If that is your focus on what is new in this world, then you’re sadly missing out on the reason that you are in this world. This plane of existence as basic and repetitive as it is holds at the same time all the experience that your soul comes to seek and wants to have. 

There’s a movie around presently doing the circuits and it is an extremely distressing movie. Movies aren’t made for no reason and this one is geared to trigger you or trigger the viewer on a level of emotion that is huge because it’s about children. But when people have the capacity and the ability to step back and see this world for what it is, then they will not get caught up in these distractions. 

They would not lose themselves and lose the call of their soul through these powerful emotional distractions. And I’ve seen all sorts of comments about this movie, people who claim that it’s most important that it be known and it’s wonderful that it’s out because it’s bringing awareness. Oh dear, oh dear, so lost. So I ask the question, don’t you think there is enough in this world for you to contend with without looking beyond going into wanting to know about other species of life? And as you know, those of you who are with me frequently, you know that I can communicate with them and they’re most definitely there. 

But what I’ve noticed is there is a lot of hubbub in the, shall I loosely call it the spiritual space. 

Where these people are channelling through future human beings, future life forces, and future entities? 

Well, I want to say, that most people in this world have a hard enough time keeping their feet on the ground, keeping their hearts in a place of peacefulness and calm and their minds harnessed without worrying. 

When we have visitors, for example, the Lemurians, and the Atlanteans that wish to speak with you, That is because they come to offer their wisdom for you in the now. In the now. So it’s something that can be helpful to you. 

In reality, right under your nose is someone who’s in a coma. They are beyond this reality. They’re in a whole other realm, maybe even another dimension. to what you are in. So that is beyond you at that moment. 

Right at this moment, there is a new life coming through to this world that is untouched for moments by the impact of massive amounts of energy, emotionally charged energy that will swamp them within minutes of being here. 

They do arrive with some pre-programmed stuff which they’ve inherited. 

They do arrive with some very generous stamping of their ancestors, those dear little souls do arrive with some things already in place and they will quite often come with karmic debt as well. And then they create more as they go along in their life. 

Isn’t that enough to deal with? So In these moments that we sit together, someone has left this world and they are transiting to the afterlife, to a different dimension, to a different realm, maybe to a different part of what is called the universe. 

What’s it got to do with you? Right at this moment, there is that new arrival, a new life that has come to the kindergarten to see what they can experience. The word I want you to remember is experience. Another one is expansion. Then there are those people like Penny, whom we’ll be talking to on Wednesday, who are caught in a situation of living here, staying here or leaving.

Everyone who is in that position is still connected through the silver cord of life from their soul to the afterlife,  which could be what we would call death, and there is no such thing. There is the death of an organic physical body. There is no death of the soul because there can’t be. So at every moment that you breathe, every moment that you blink, someone is transitioning either in, out or in between. 

How can any of this be of value to your experience and your expansion? Well, every part of that can be a wealth of help because every part of that, when you learn to sit back and observe the life around you, but observing from a deeper centred part of yourself, you then open the doors to expansion, which is what your soul is looking for in this life. Your soul may also be looking for a clearing of karmic debt. 

The only way for you to know those things is for you to do the inner work. Doesn’t happen any other way. So every time you are distracted by something that has been put in your face, then those moments cannot be regained. There is one thing that can never be regained in this world and that is time. 

Every time you are distracted by someone else’s story, a movie some gossip or some junk on the news, that is precious time deliberately orchestrated to distract you from the richness of your soul. This world, this construct is full of distractions. 

When we are looking at this world of reality, I’d like you to think about looking through a kaleidoscope. Are you old enough to remember a kaleidoscope? 

When you look through a kaleidoscope, it has patterns of these beautiful little fractals of shapes which all carry a colour in them. And then when you turn it, it all changes. Momentarily, it changes. And it has different shapes, it has different colours, or should I say different colours in different places. So it looks different to you. 

How you see those shifts in those fractals and those movements is totally up to your perception and your perspective. Just like reality, the reality around you. Now, some years ago, I went to meet my daughter in a suburb of Perth, Cottesloe. and when I arrived there were police cars and two ambulances and things there and I’m like immediately jumped into nurse mode but this side of me this natural mystic side of me is always there and I must admit my immediate thought was to my daughter.

I went up to the ramp, made my way through, and was stopped by security, I said to them, that is my daughter, I am going to her. I continued over, and as I got closer, I could see that she was standing by a body, the body of a woman on the platform. And I thought, oh, my gosh. When I got up to my daughter, the police also had come to her and they wanted to speak to her. When I was able to take her away, we went down to a cafe nearby and she seemed fine. And I thought, it wouldn’t be long, and the shock of what she had just been through would hit her. Because she saw the train hit the lady. At the same time, she and an off-duty nurse stepped off the train onto the platform to the lady and they both attended to her right away with CPR and everything else that goes with it. They were not able to save her. So right at that moment, that is a reality. 

You cannot say these things don’t happen. We cannot say that a fatal car accident didn’t happen. This world is dense. This world has got, as we all know, our physical self can’t walk through a brick wall. Or can we? Maybe we can. We just don’t know it. Because we are conditioned to feel pain. We are here to feel pain. We are conditioned to know that something solid, we can’t get through it. 

Sitting with my daughter as the shock started to come through for her and settle in, and I supported her through that. And then not very long after, the spirit of the lady appeared. And she said, “Please thank her for all that she did for me. That is the most anyone has shown me and the other lady that was with her is the most caring anyone has shown to me for a long time.”

My gosh, that was tremendously sad to think that that lady appeared to have stepped into the path of the train on purpose because she was so lost in her life. And to think that she felt that two people attending to her body was the most care that she’d been shown in a long time was very sad. 

My daughter and I both cried and she asked us not to cry. She explained that she felt immediate release from the pain that she’d been in now you imagine you imagine what you would feel if you were there and you imagine what you might be talking about and what you might be feeling as that afternoon that evening went on and maybe even into the night and the next day still feeling it, talking about it. But here’s the thing. 

It didn’t happen to you, nothing happened to you. Had you have been there you had an experience. It wasn’t even yours. You were the observer of what took place for another lady. But everybody that was there was affected in some way. Momentarily, that was the reality of those minutes. But when it was all cleared away and all was said and done, and I watched the other passengers get off the train, there was… No impact. 

They scurried off to what was their reality. Do you see? Do you see how important it is that you understand just what is your reality? If you are married or in a relationship, You believe that to be your reality. You have feelings for that person. You do things together with that person. You live with that person. They are a part of your life and you are a part of their life. That is your container, your kaleidoscope of reality. And every day that you turn that kaleidoscope, there is a new facet, a new colour, a new shape in that reality. Or is there? 

Most people live by repetition. Most people repeat the same thing day in and day out. The evening finishes the day. They go to bed, have a cuddle, good night, go to sleep. In the morning, we say “good morning. How are you this morning”? Or maybe, “Oh my gosh, I’m late. See you tonight”. And whatever goes in between. The day finishes and we do it all again. And we call that reality. But something happens somewhere one day. And it captures you and you talk about it and you’re driven by it and you’ve got emotion that’s attached to it. 

It’s not even yours, it is somebody else’s. So now you’ve stepped into somebody else’s reality. Why and what are you going to take from that reality? What are you going to take that is going to be an expansive experience? Usually nothing. Usually a swamp of emotional responses. And those emotional responses play havoc on your liver, your heart, your eyes, and your blood flow. 

How is that reality going for you? I went to the farewell of my auntie last week and I saw my grandmother and my auntie I also got a glimpse of my dad. All there. All there for her farewell. Beautiful. My tears were for the loss of her from this physical world, not because I’ll never see her again, but because I was looking at her over on the side wall sitting on the seat. My tears were more for the family who were in deep grief. 

Grief is a curious thing because grief is our selfishness. If we were all to decide to be more aligned with our souls and with our wisdom, we would know that we can communicate with our loved ones who have left. And we can also train ourselves to see them. 

It does not require you to become a mystic, a psychic, or a clairvoyant, for you to be able to move, shift your reality, to be able to connect with your loved ones, including your pets, you need only to know how to align with your soul and with the divine creator. 

 You need only to know how to move out of your confinements, your believed confinements of this reality. 

There was a woman who again captured my attention, she was sharing, that her stepdaughter was struck by lightning. At the time, the stepdaughter was pregnant, about six months or five months pregnant. Neither mother nor baby survived, of course. This woman claimed that that as a result of wanting to connect with her stepdaughter out of tremendous grief, the story’s awesome, out of tremendous grief and wanting to know if she was all right baby, she became able to speak to higher beings and she became able to channel and all these things. Oh, no, she didn’t. The truth of the matter is she went to a clairvoyant who taught her how to do that. So it was not true that she became this incredible channel because of wanting to speak with her stepdaughter. 

How we want to perceive reality in any given moment is first up through the lens of the construct that we have been led to believe in through our upbringing and our lived experiences. Does that make it wrong or right? 

No, not at all. Neither. It is what it is. 

Anything is true for us through the lens of our truth. So any experience and expansion we wish to have, we can bring that into our reality. Not a shred of doubt about that. Everything that you focus on, is good old science. Can you believe I’m using that word? It’s not science. Spiritual maybe, teachers maybe, part of the construct maybe, who will tell you that new neural pathways, science have shown us that new neural pathways can change your life. New neural pathways can be created through patterning. Note the word, patterning through behaviours, through habits. Well, that’s how we come to have neural pathways in the first place. 

So it really shouldn’t be any big surprise that if we build new ones, we’re going to have a different awareness of life. But here’s a kicker for you. Is it the brain that holds those neural pathways? Is it the brain that stimulates those thoughts? The answer is no. 

Everything that comes through your mind comes from a higher aspect of yourself and it comes through what you are perceiving. So there is already imagery that you hold through your lived experiences and you create imagery around that and that comes back to you. 

This imagery is what creates your neural pathways. What you need to get past to be able to change that imagery, is your collective beliefs that are constructed, construed and designed by a world outside yourself that you believe to be reality. 

It is worth making some notes on these things and see if you can tap into that divine place of yourself that is not constructed through the confinements of this reality. See, when you have someone who comes back like Penny, someone who comes back from a near-death experience or someone who remembers being outside of their body, they have a whole different attitude and acceptance of this reality. And you know what happens to them?

 Most often they get shunned, often their family tell them they lost it. 

Whatever happened to you there, you’ve lost it. And then what happens to them? They go quiet, they withdraw, or they become addicted to food, to betting, to exercise, to gambling, betting, gambling, to spiritual endeavours, to sleeping, to drugs, to alcohol. And that is a crying shame. 

Instead of them even accepting the experience that they had when they were out of the body and were able to be in that space of afterlife, in that realm of no dual reality that is here, instead of them allowing themselves to embrace that experience like Penny has, instead they fall back into the trap of this confined, restricted, constructed reality. 

I feel that that is very unfortunate and it’s very sad. How many people have you read about whose lives have turned around after they have been through a tremendous trauma or sickness? 

I met a lady when I was doing my gut health workshops. She said she had come to the workshop because she had been making her way through a cancer journey and she wanted to know if I had anything more that perhaps she’d missed or that she could add to what she had already been doing. And she and her husband came to speak with me after I’d finished the workshop. 

It was awesome to hear her confirmation of everything that I’d brought to everyone in the workshop. She also said that she thoroughly enjoyed it because it gave her even more inspiration to continue doing what she’d done. And what did she do? She decided, she told the doctors, I’m not taking any of your treatment. I will sort this out. And she did. She was clear of cancer. The doctors couldn’t believe it. 

Why? Because she decided to change that imagery. She decided that no one else outside of her had the right to tell her what treatment her body needed, what her mind needed. She set about with her husband creating a completely organic, and I’m only using that word because we’ve been led to believe what it means, something that is completely organic in their garden bed. And she shifted all of her eating habits. And she said she did a lot of it by trial and error. But what I’m saying to you is she decided to change that imagery. herself what she did was listen to her soul that said this disruption within me is not to stay now she could have changed that and she could very well have thought well that’s it that’s me done I’ll just you know wait till it takes me but she listened and she decided to create different imagery and change the way that she perceived accepted her reality. 

My beautiful man went to one of our very elderly neighbours today, she is 95, and she is amazing. She is an ex-nurse, so she and I have lots to talk about. But through the events of the last couple of years, a few little stings in the arm, she has developed, like many people, tinnitus. and also vertigo, severe vertigo. Vertigo knocked her over the other day and had some awful bruising to her face, poor darling. But she commented to my beautiful man about this vertigo and the tinnitus. And he said, you know, Gwenda can help you with that. And she said, no, no one can. The doctor said that it couldn’t be healed. It can’t be cured. There’s no cure for it. 

She has closed the door to healing that. 

I had been making some headway with her very, very slowly and she had actually been for some healings and was blown away by it. But what happens after that is she has a doctor’s appointment or her daughter comes to see her or the physio comes to see her. And that glimmer that I have got in there with her is quickly put out. So we start again. Do you see? Do you see that at every given moment you, are the power? 

You have the power over what takes place by your taking of what’s going on in your reality. You are the one who creates the construct based on your perceptions, perspectives, beliefs and habits. of what’s going on around you. 

Your physical body tells you how you’ve been taking things in because they all sit within you. Some of these physical issues are hot flushes, migraines, irritable bowel, and celiac. Each must have a name because that’s what this reality is about without names and labels, we don’t know what’s going on, right? I’ll just leave it at that. 

All of those things are a disturbance in the physical body because something in your perceived reality has disturbed you. Without you paying attention to your immediate feelings about something, then it has become a situation that inflames the physical body. 

Yes, food plays a part, but the question is why are we taking in foods that create inflammation? What comes first, the emotional response or the food you ate that created the inflammation? Bit of a rush to the finish post, I think. 

When you want to experience this world, in the way that your soul came to experience it for the sake of expansion, then you have to be able to shed the layers of the conditioned environments in which you’ve been living. 

How many do you have? Well you have your arrival you’re already you’ve already got some stuff from being in vitro which means when you were growing in your mother’s belly is that the next one is being handed around like past the parcel when you arrive the next one is watching as a baby as a toddler you mimic and you pick up all of the emotional junk that goes on around you and any external stuff that is played around you. 

You are up to three already, and you haven’t even got out of being four yet. And then you go off, well, these days you’re bundled off to daycare or even less than that, you know, six weeks of age, you’re bundled off to somewhere else for someone else to look after you. 

You are now with other people who have their stuff and you are among other babies, infants, toddlers, and children. Another 10 layers of conditioning and you are not out of being four years of age yet, then you go to preschool or kindy and now we’ve got teachers and other kids how are we going with those layers?

Among all that, you’re going home to exhausted parents, preoccupied parents, screen parents, screens, not scream, screens. Parents who are trying to climb the social ladder, women who are trying to break the glass ceiling, trying to find their purpose, trying to make a big impression on who they’re working for. 

You get it, right? so how’s that poor little being going and then of course there is the relationship at home mum dad or dad dad mum mum whatever it is but there’s all the stuff between them so you can see very easily how many different environments you have and every one of them brings some kind of um Tragedy, trauma, pain, excitement, frustration, wow, some kind of overload of sensations, feelings, emotions, responses. 

And not through the fault of anyone, you are not taught very early on how to manage any of this, how to even understand it. If everyone was taught to understand just how many we have that impact us throughout our lives. Because at school, we spend a lot of time as kids, and we are bombarded by all the different groups at school. 

We are all bombarded by loads of other people’s constructs of reality. 

When we come out into the workplace or we go and play some kind of sport, say we want to be a big AFL star, or tennis star, have a look at the different environments and the constructs of reality that you step into there. 

 There’s no blame. This is an understanding of how we all come to carry these values levels and piles of environments through our lives. So we leave home, we might live on our own or we might live with friends. 

We might take up with someone we feel at the time we love. And here we go again. Here comes another experience that brings with it more constructs. But everything in those constructs, is like the kaleidoscope, as I said, loads of facets, loads of all those little shards, all packed with experiences of reality. But it’s when we get to a place in our life where you know what, there’s got to be something better than this, and we start to want to explore who we are and we start to want to explore maybe why we respond in the way we do. 

Why did that upset me? And we start to want to go into expansion. Now that’s when the soul does a happy dance and that’s where the body can breathe a sigh of relief. And that’s where you start to listen to what the body is calling to you. That’s where the joy comes in, not our joy cook, the feeling of joy comes in. 

The heart energy space can expand. And when it expands, it’s able to bring in a wealth of joy and love. But let’s flip that over and say when the heart is open and welcomes those experiences, it can now offer the energy of eternal, limitless, unconditional love and pure joy that it holds. And then the doors of wisdom of the soul open.

 Now reality has a whole different look. Your reality becomes far more powerful, far more enriched. And you can heal very quickly. You can create abundance very quickly. Abundance in anything. That’s what abundance means. You will not be someone who is easily influenced by other people’s words and or other people’s conditioning. Instead, you will be a rich, richly embodied, human being. And in that, I want to say to you too, when you are looking at your reality, this world, please don’t refer to yourself as a computer. 

Watch the words that you use to express what comes for you. You don’t download, a computer downloads. 

A machine downloads and you are neither of those. You are a living being, an eternal being of divine creation. Don’t refer to yourself as a program. See, I don’t use the word program. I use the words pathways, journeys, expansion, sovereignty, soul alignment, being aligned. Do you see the difference? 

Begin to look at the words that you use when you’re talking about how you’re living your life and start to unravel all of the beauty that is you. And remember this world, this construct, this reality, this reality changes from second to second. There’s nothing real about this reality. 

It is all temporary. And it can change in a heartbeat, no such thing as accidents, but that’s what they call it. Yesterday. Beyond this reality, how about you get a good hook into this reality and then be a little curious about this reality? And that’s okay. It’s okay to have that curiosity because I can tell you there’s lots of fun out there. 

But first and foremost, choose to learn a little more about yourself. 

Choose to learn about the expansiveness that your reality can offer you and therefore bring that incredible expansiveness to the soul. And that’s what it came for, no soul comes here to suffer. Not one. 

No soul comes here to be in lack. The human experience does all of that. And that is because there is a tremendous disparity and distraction from the soul. And yes, there is plenty here, as we know, there’s plenty here that likes to put a different shade, shall we call it shade, on the reality. 

The old saying; Different day, same stuff.” It’s not true. There is nothing the same about one day to the next. There is nothing the same about yesterday, and today, and it won’t be anything the same tomorrow. 

It is all about perception and also judgements, and beliefs. 

This evening the guidance and the flow came from Archangel Uriel.

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