Do You Truly Understand Your Ideal Client?

We’ve all been there. It’s one of the initial lessons we learn when starting a business: Create an avatar of your ideal client.

This concept of this is for you to grasp the image of your perfect client to serve as a compass for all your business decisions. It influences your pricing strategy (you can’t charge a single mom the same as a Fortune 500 CEO), addresses their pain points (a mom is unlikely to worry about shareholders), and even impacts the choice of colors in your logo.

So you dedicate a few hours combing through various aspects, such as:

– Age range

– Income level

– Family situation

– Educational background

– Lifestyle aspirations

– Geographic location

Maybe you even go a step further and craft a compelling story around your ideal client. You give her a name, a couple of kids, a husband who doesn’t quite understand her, and a mountain of student loans. You believe you know her inside out.

Yet, there’s more. If you stop there, you might be overlooking a crucial piece of the puzzle—and missing out on the finest clients as a result.

You have to dig into her motivations, not just her pain points. It’s going a step further to see what she’s currently experiencing that will get her into your container.

The Importance of Personality Alignment

One important factor that often goes unconsidered in the “ideal client” equation is personality. In fact, it’s arguably the most crucial aspect of all.

If you possess qualities like sarcasm, a zest for life, and a high spirited demeanor, chances are you may not mesh well with a quiet, middle-aged mom who spends her time devoted to church volunteering. Sure, she may require your assistance, and she may adore your offers, but when it comes to one-on-one coaching, this could be a challenge. Either she will feel uncomfortable with your style, or you will find it agonizing to suppress your natural energy.

It’s better to refer her to a coach who aligns better with her personality.

Drive as the Determinant of Success

Assessing a client’s level of motivation can be challenging at the start. However, once you identify their drive (or the lack thereof), it becomes a crucial factor worth considering. A client who lacks the determination to achieve success will more often than not lead to frustration for both parties involved.

It’s more sensible to end the relationship as soon as you notice signs of this lack of motivation, rather than wasting time revisiting the same material and exercises repeatedly with someone who simply won’t put in the effort.

By reflecting on your past and current coaching clients, you can begin to discern patterns. Discernment is a huge factor and skill. It will help you gain awareness into what made certain clients a delight to work with, while others proved to be a struggle. Identify these differences and incorporate them into your ideal client profile. Then, when you assess potential new clients, compare them to this ideal profile. It will ensure that you never again engage with a less-than-ideal client.

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