Courage—A Personal Definition

I like to define courage as:  anything you are reluctant or hesitant to do, but you go ahead and push yourself to do it anyway–because it is always in your best interest to do that!  I often remind myself to do my best to choose courage in the face of fear or anxiety that may be steering me into avoidance.  Choosing courage can involve addressing anxiety-producing events, like attending a social gathering, making an important job or relationship transition, or having what you anticipate will be a difficult conversation with someone important.  No, choosing courage does not guarantee you will get the results you seek and desire from that act of courage.  What choosing courage DOES guarantee though is that you will gain a measure of self-respect and even possibly self-confidence from just pursuing the act of courage itself.  In other words, the process of choosing courage is an automatic “win” situation; and then if it leads to the outcome you want, it’s a “win-win”!

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