Three tips to jump-start your New Year.

I’m always inspired and energized with the start of a new year. There is something that motivates and challenges us to exercise more, eat better, read more — to name just a few of the more common resolutions. But when reality (also known as January) sets in, it can be challenging to break less desirable habituated patterns and embrace new, more resourceful behaviors. You’re much more likely to experience positive outcomes of your resolutions when you follow these three tips: 

Establish S.M.A.R.T. goals. Determine what you want and make each goal Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-specific. If you set vague goals, you may find it harder to stay focused. For example, I want to read more vs. I am committing to reading 12 books by December 31, 2018. Now you have a target and you’re able to measure your progress. 

Ask for support. When you make your goals known to someone you know will support you, you exponentially increase the probability of reaching them. You may, along with an ever-increasing number, consider seeking a coach. Whatever your goals are, there’s someone out there who can help. 

Third: Go easy on yourself. Remember that perfection hinders progress. You will make mistakes, be sure you harvest the learnings from all experiences. Don’t ever give up. Instead, take a deep breath and start from NOW, the only place you can ever start from.

Did you know that Harvard Business Review reports that coaching has helped many executives, entrepreneurs, and individuals to catapult their careers, and to create better, more fulfilling, richer lives?

If this looks, sounds, and feels right for you and you want that next level, I have put together special pricing on coaching packages to celebrate the New Year. You can check them out by clicking this paragraph.

You can always reach out via email: [email protected]

or call: 866.828.1814

Here’s to Victorious Living

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