Balance Your Male & Female

Balance your male and female energies.

Whether man or woman, it’s important to balance both your male and female energies. In Spirit, we are neither male nor female, but, both and neither. Our souls are of Spirit, and in human form, using the strengths of male and female energies, helps balance us. We can use and connect our minds and hearts to move through life, helping us make the best choices for our true purpose. If we think to much, we do not utilize our emotions. If we are too emotional, we lose rationality. Neither is better, but together, our thoughts and emotions can help us create our best life. It balances us and creates harmony. Using strength and vulnerability balances our male and emotional sides, allowing us to be more authentic. Choosing to combine both logic and feeling brings us balance, as we connect the extremes, bringing us a symmetry in our lives. When we are more balanced, symmetrical and harmonious in our energies, our lives become more peaceful, loving and joyful. It brings the choices we make in alignment with our soul purpose, as we use our gifts, talents and passions to live our life. It helps us awaken, transform and evolve into exactly who we are pre-destined to be in this world in harmony with each other. 

I’d be honored to help you find balance & “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™”.

Namaste! ~ Heather 

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