What do you want to experience in the upcoming year? How do you want to feel? – Jan 2015

Notice that these questions aren’t inviting you to look back or beat yourself up for what you didn’t accomplish last year. Doing so would just be a waste of energy. Instead, let’s welcome in this New Year by first reflecting on what you DID achieve. Of course, there were challenges but, despite the obstacles or setbacks, you made it through with a lot to be proud of!

Rather than starting your “list” with an outline of all the things you want to get done this year, how about first getting really clear about the things you want to feel or experience? Then focus on the steps you can take to get there. Here’s an example from my own approach:

This Year…

I want to genuinely feel happy – A LOT.

I want to feel happy with my family, friends, and clients. I want to feel happy in my body, in my home, in my alone time. I want to feel happy in each moment.

The easy part…

Tracking some of my daily to-dos, such as:

I can’t eat my morning yogurt until I eat four pieces of broccoli

Walking/running at least 30 minutes three times a week

Planning fun and simple events with my family

Cleansing and cleaning for 15 minutes a day

Reading for 15 minutes a day

Keeping my thoughts positive

The more difficult part…

Allowing all the past crap to come up and breathing through it, journaling, asking for help and receiving my own energy balancing sessions.

Instead of getting angry at my husband for not doing what I think he should do I will genuinely try to recognize and support HIS choices.

When I find myself daydreaming because I need to escape, I will ask myself, “What am I running from?” Perhaps even journal on my feelings to better understand them.

When I get upset with my children for reacting differently than I would like them to, I will gently guide them while still trying to honor who they are becoming.

I’ll practice what I preach about being in the moment. No more superwoman crap!

Obviously these are just some examples from my own life, but I hope they are helpful as you come up with your own intentions for the new year. 

THANK YOU for all the love, support/shoves and referrals. I feel so grateful and am so blessed for all of the beautiful spirits that I had the chance to “be with” this year.

Mantra: I am excited to feel “insert emotion!” 

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