Messages from Spirit

Synchronicity is one way Spirit sends us a message.

When we pray for help, or simply think about what we need to be doing in our lives, we receive messages in different ways. You may see messages in clouds, or perhaps an animal will cross your path which you may not have noticed before. Look up this animal as a totem, medicine or spirit animal. Some messages come in dreams, while others in songs or numbers. 

Synchronicity is another way Spirit, or the Universe, or your higher power or higher self will send you a message. You may run into someone you haven’t seen in quite some time who may say something to you. You may discover you and another are thinking the same thing about a situation. The important part of any message is to be open and not expect a certain answer, or expect what you want. Definitely ask for what’s in your highest good and what you need to do with your gifts with your life, while being open to any opportunities. Be specific in your requests and thoughts, while being open to accept and consider something else which may come along. 

I find the more I open myself up to possibilities, the more that come to me, and they tend to not be what I may have thought. I have been looking for more income, while building my clientele, and thought an office position would be helpful. Well, instead, I am currently waiting tables at a busy restaurant, meeting lots of new people, some of whom are interested in my services and are suggesting me to their friends. I also find I’m bringing a happier vibration to the place, as some of the workers there have noticed my attitude and commented they like it and like me being there. (And, it is helping my physical body quite a bit as I’m working out while working! Another request I had for spirit was more time to exercise.) 

Another wonderful way to receive messages from Spirit is to practice meditation. Meditation can be done in several ways.  I love doing a walking meditation in Nature. I find the healing energy of Nature, mixed with the messages sent from animals, insects and plants is very helpful.  Meditation is simply allowing our minds and hearts to be open to hear the messages from the questions, prayers, dreams and wishes we’ve made. It is connecting to our intuition, or our higher self & soul, which already knows what we are here to do and guides us on the best way to do it, providing we are listening. Meditation is listening.  I have been receiving messages since I was a little girl, and didn’t even know it.  My intuition was high, yet I simply figured it was just my thoughts or my imagination. I was already meditating in ways I didn’t understand then.  So, pay attention to your thoughts and imagination. What are they telling you? The more you are aware and pay attention to your thoughts, the more you will be able to discern which are messages from Spirit just for you. Those messages meant for you are the ones that feel different to you.  They are the ones which set aside ego, which is of fear and lack.  What the messages is asking you to do may feel scary, but that is not the same thing as ego-fear.  This is where a coach, healer or guide can help you, and why I became a Reiki Master, yoga instructor, Akashic Record Reader, Tarot Card Reader and Intuitive Life Guide.  

Be open to synchronicity with awareness to any and all other types of messages Spirit sends to you, for these are answers to your questions, prayers & thoughts to help you live your passions, purpose and dreams.

I’d be honored to help you in any way, as Spirit talks to me during the sessions I offer to help you heal yourself and “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™”.

Namaste! ~ Heather 

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