Senior Partner Carolyn McGee

Meet Carolyn McGee

Carolyn’s Why: “To create the ripple of transformation and healing through collaboration”

My Path and Motivation

For as long as I can remember, I strived to help people and to make a difference. I wanted to be a doctor and heal people. I was the one in school who everyone asked for help.   I unknowingly channeled divine wisdom for others.

I was praised and noticed for my knowledge and analytical skills.  I excelled in math and science, so I followed my parent’s advice went to an engineering college and focused on my logical abilities.

In college I continued my pattern of giving sage advice and helping others to navigate difficult situations.  As I started my corporate career my office was always the stopping place for advice and support. I was a great listener and continued my passion for helping others.

I noticed that using my feelings (intuition) at work helped me.  I could tell when there was something off in a meeting.  During negotiations, I knew when people were holding back or not being completely honest.  I knew when a design wouldn’t work even if I couldn’t logically articulate it.  I developed a reputation for being right, saved the company lots of money and others started to trust my feelings to evaluate what I felt deeper. This gave me confidence in trusting myself even when it didn’t seem logical.  I learned to start to speak my truth even when it didn’t make “sense”.

I have a talent for creating something out of nothing and this led me to start-up high tech jobs where I quickly became a star in developing processes, hiring the right people, and creating strong organizations.  I built powerful departments that were organized, cost effective and worked well with all aspects of a growing company. I instinctively knew how and what needed to be done.  I found solutions to problems before they were even understood.

I eventually was downsized from my corporate job and decided to channel my love of helping others and animals by creating a dog walking and pet care company.

The company quickly expanded, and I hired staff.   I trained people and created repeatable processes and systems. I combined my business, logical, management and service skills into a healthy business that is thriving 16 years later.

As a lifelong learner, I also took class on spirituality, divine connection, and intuition. I balanced and embraced all aspects of who I am – logical and intuitive – producer and creator.

I opened my second business as an intuitive coach and teacher to help others to use their intuition to shortcut their journey to connection and inspired action.  During my journey, I documented my path so that I could provide clear direction to people struggling with recognizing their intuition.  It was fun to combine my gifts and talents into a business that reflected me at every level.

The way we make decisions is universal. How we show up in one situation is how we will react or show up in every situation. If we have a hard time making decisions or getting clarity about what our next right step is it impacts every aspect of life.

The consistent way I support my clients is to give them crystal clear clarity of their soul’s purpose and mission.   I teach them to utilize their intuition as a tool for unparalleled success.  To tune into their intuitive superpowers so that they can always feel confident and aligned in making decisions. This underutilized gift took the stress and struggle out of determining their next best step in a happy life.

As I look back on my path, I see that I am a groundbreaker and change maker.

  • One of less than 10% females in my engineering college
  • First person hired at a major company in my degree
  • Leader in new departments
  • Creator of new organizations
  • Serial Entrepreneur
  • Senior Partner and Owner of The Wellness Universe

I see solutions where others see problems.  I am excited to create solutions for global wellness with others on the Senior Partner team.

Education and Certifications

BS, Engineering Management, Clarkson University
Procurement Management Development Program
APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)
Entrepreneur of the Year – Pet Sitting & Holistic Care
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
Angel Communication Master
Angelic Life Coach with concentration in Emotional Freedom Technique
Color Therapist
Crystal Practitioner
Animal Communicator
Minister, Divine Order of the Sacred Rose
Chakra Mastery Facilitator
Ancestral/Soul/Karma Clearing Facilitator
Evolutionary Mystic Meditation Advanced Facilitator



Carolyn McGee is the founder of Sacred Haven Living, a community where you learn to heal using life’s experiences. Her values are Community, Connection and Collaboration. She thrives on helping people break patterns to understand the relationship to themselves, others, money, and spirit. As the Decision Queen, she guides you to trust your intuition to make empowered decisions without second guessing to take inspired action! With a background of 20+ years in High Tech, 16 years as an Entrepreneur, Carolyn knows firsthand the importance of living from a blend of her masculine and feminine energies to take authentic and heart-centered actions. She is the lead author of #1 bestselling book, Inspired Living: Superpowers for Health, Love and Business and she has co-authored 15+ bestselling books, is a popular TV co-host and sought-after speaker and blogger.

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