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Wellness Universe & Cuddlings.WORLD


A special hashtag for a loving and caring Crowdfunding campaign.

Wellness Universe & Cuddlings.WORLD joining their caring energy to make happen the MAGIC. This is the invitation I gladly forward to the esteemed WU community of World-Changers.

Cuddlings.WORLD Butterflies need help to spread, ‘Tummy & Belly’ Family need your hugs to start hugging and cuddling the WORLD.

Aromatherapy Hugs & Cuddles Everyday!
Care & Smile 365 Days a Year

We are launching Monday December 11th 2017 a Crowdfunding campaign titled ‘Who Needs a Hug’. Please use the following LINK to read the DRAFT of the campaign that will take place on Kickstarter :
Such link may be shared without limits 🙂

Needless to say this project is dear to my heart.
It is to bring to reality a global and challenging concept that is to serve as much as possible the society at large.

Indeed, as we work, we care & as we care, we share!

Not only I am grateful in advance you all accepting my invitation, but many out there will too because they are – as we all are here, on Wellness Universe – in the trust that life is the most precious of the precious we have responsibility to cherish.

Always Dare with Care!

With much LOVE,


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