Join me for upliftment and a refreshing perspective which can take you from mere actor to author in the story of YOUR LIFE. Episodes are somewhat sequential, so I encourage…

Join me for upliftment and a refreshing perspective which can take you from mere actor to author in the story of YOUR LIFE. Episodes are somewhat sequential, so I encourage…
Nothing is ever absolute, even though our minds want to label things/people good/bad, right/wrong, etc. Ultimately, we are each/all co-creating what we see, what we experience, what we feel! We… RUMI “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” I wrote this healing/empowerment article in Nov ’19. Time would have it published after my own catharsis. Since…
Holiday gatherings, family, food, this should be a joyous time of year, yet for many, there is stress, sadness, and anger. Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power…