The word karma carries a lot of emotional weight. People perform acts of kindness in hopes of receiving good karma. Others think twice about doing something unkind out of fear…

The word karma carries a lot of emotional weight. People perform acts of kindness in hopes of receiving good karma. Others think twice about doing something unkind out of fear…
Do you notice patterns in your life? Sometimes they seem to repeat almost daily like grabbing something to eat when you get stressed. Others just show up occasionally, like when…
When we hear the word karma, most of us think of retribution – punishment for something done either to us or by us. The Akashic Masters respectfully disagree. Their perspective…
Karma Is The Universal Law By Which The Universe Maintains Its Equilibrium. Far From Retribution, Karma Is Actually Balance In Motion. Cause/Effect – Action/Re-Action. Thus Like The Mighty Boomerang, May…
With so many people now on a spiritual path, seeking information and creating more meaningful lives, I would expect there to be a wealth of information out there about Akashic…